ATA Engineers recognized for their contribution to the success of the Orion program.
SAN DIEGO, Calif., July 28, 2015—ATA Engineering’s support of Orion has been featured by the Office of Small Business Programs in NASA Deep Space Human Exploration Spacecraft Orion: A Case for Small Business.
ATA engineers have supported the Orion program since its infancy in 2005 when it was called the Crew Exploration Vehicle as part of NASA’s Constellation program. Since that time, Orion’s role within NASA has evolved, coming to represent the next step in human deep space exploration, and ATA’s support of the program has grown and adapted with it.
Over the course of ATA’s work on Orion, more than ninety ATA engineers have contributed to the program’s success by providing engineering support including load definition, vibroacoustic analysis and test, multibody and flexible-body dynamics of separation events and deployments, modal and stress analysis, finite element model development and integration, and analysis process improvement through custom software development. ATA supported the loads and dynamics, aeroshell, and systems stress teams.
NASA Deep Space Human Exploration Spacecraft Orion: A Case for Small Business details the success stories of small businesses, including ATA, that have supported NASA and Lockheed Martin throughout the Orion program.